Подозрительное письмо

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Behance is organizing its sixth Portfolio Review Week, and as a creative leader on Behance, we would love for you to be involved. Last May, there were300 events in 80 countries, so we hope you join the movement!

We think you’d be a great candidate to organize & host a Portfolio Review in your area.

At Portfolio Reviews, creatives come together for a chance to present their work and get feedback, hear from guest speakers, and socialize with their creative communities. Hosting involves securing a location and promoting the event, plus inviting a few experienced "Group Leaders" to help run the reviews, all ending with an exciting evening of creative feedback! We'd be in touch along the way, and send a Meetup Package packed with swag and promotional materials to help you host an amazing event.

If you're interested in being a host, please fill out this short form. (behance.wufoo.com/forms/organize-a-behance-portfolio-review-prw-6/)

If you have any questions as you consider hosting, please don't hesitate to email us at portfolioreviews@behance.com

More info:

Portfolio Review Week: be.net/reviews

Info for Organizers: be.net/reviews/info


The Behance team

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Всё нормально. Портфолио ревью от биханса проходят каждые полгода. Предлагают тебе организовать местный междусобойчик.